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The saying, “Never judge a book by its cover,” is a nice sentiment, but no one ever listens. Same goes for websites.

For your company to succeed in this day and age it is essential to have a clean, user-friendly website. Here are the steps you can take to ensure that your site is going in the right direction.

  1. A simple and direct homepage.
    • The homepage is the first impression of your company. The key to drawing the eye is to not have too many things going on at once. A simplistic, bold title coupled with a short catchy slogan of what your company does is a great foundation to build from. As well as keeping that navigation menu easily accessible and not too wordy.
  2. Message loud and clear!
    • In the first 30 seconds of looking at your site, the viewer should know who you are and what you do. Including reviews from customers, images of your company in action, and a quick blurb about the impact you make, these are great starting points in emphasizing your message.
  3. Solid color palette
    • This is important to your homepage. These are the colors that people associate with your brand. Being mindful of said color palette and incorporating it into your site, making sure they are not colors that clash, or layering them up too closely that the look becomes overwhelming.
  4. Stick with three fonts, MAX!
    • A call back from the previous point, like with colors, we don’t want the fonts to be too overwhelming either! A maximum of three fonts is more than enough to keep the eyes engaged, but not too cluttered.
  5. Few pop ups!
    • Having minimal pop ups so it does not deter or discourage your audience from clicking off your site. Whether it’s a pop up to sign up for a newsletter or a sale, being mindful of the amount you have is essential.
  6. Contact Us – Make it Easy!
    • It should be at the top or the bottom of the page. Whether through social media, email, or a phone number, there should always be an option to reach out to your organization.

Speaking of: if you or someone you know needs help with their website, contact The Miner Agency! From websites to wondrous marketing strategies The Miner Agency wants to help your business take off!