Adobe Creative Cloud is one of the most commonly used software systems in the marketing world.
Adobe Creative Cloud, sometimes called Adobe CC, is a set of software application for Mac OS and Windows computers which are used by creative, design, and marketing professionals to create content for print, video, and online distribution. A small number of Creative Cloud applications are also available on iOS and Android devices. The programs included in Creative Cloud can be used in a wide array of graphic and design applications, from creating flyers to brochures to full motion videos, websites, presentations, photography retouching and more. Many Creative Cloud applications are available individually, or as part of a comprehensive suite.
What Creative Cloud Does
Adobe Creative Cloud is a tool for enabling both creativity and collaboration. In terms of web development, for example, Creative Cloud includes nearly anything that someone would need to build fully functional websites from the ground up, regardless of whether they had the ability to code. The Creative Cloud provides applications to work on projects including video editing, mobile design and even desktop publishing. Creative Cloud documents and projects can also be saved in the cloud, those files are not only available on any device that a user may have that has an active Internet connection but can also be shared with others.
How Much Does Creative Cloud Cost
The cost of Creative Cloud varies from $10 to $50 per month, depending upon the subscription selected. The different Creative Cloud subscription options include:
Photography. This plan is specifically designed with Photographers in mind, giving users access to Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC and 1 TB or 20 GB of cloud storage for approximately $10 per month. Like all other Creative Cloud options, this is a subscription fee that is paid monthly For the same price, users can choose to download just Lightroom CC with 1 TB of cloud storage.
Single App. Users get access to one Creative Cloud desktop app (like Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC or Adobe XD CC) and 100 GB of cloud storage for approximately $20 per month.
All Apps. This plan gives users access to the entire collection of more than 20 Creative Cloud desktop and mobile apps and 100 GB of cloud storage for approximately $50 per month.
There are also special pricing plans available for businesses, schools, students, and teachers.
What Apps are Included in the Creative Cloud?
There are more than 20 different applications included as part of the Creative Cloud suite that can be purchased either individually or as a complete package. They are:
Acrobat: enables users to create, view and edit documents in the PDF format. Acrobat itself breaks down into two main components – Acrobat Professional or Professional Extended (both of which allow users to create PDF files) and Reader (which allows users to read PDF files).
Dreamweaver: a code/GUI web development application.
Illustrator: a vector graphics editor and illustration application. Illustrator is seen as a companion product to Adobe Photoshop. Illustrator can be used for tasks like typesetting, the creation of logos and similar fields wthin the larger area of graphic design.
InCopy: A word processor used for writing stories and articles which will eventually be inported into a page layout, created using InDesign
InDesign: a desktop publishing tool. It is used to create different types of materials like brochures, flyers, posters, presentations, books (both print and eBooks), magazines and even newspapers. it can also be used to publish content designed for tablet devices with the help of Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.
Photoshop: a powerful image and raster-graphics editor. Photoshop includes many different tools that can be used to manipulate any aspect of a digital photo like painting, drawing, measuring and navigation, selection, typing and retouching. Photoshop also allows for advanced color grading and adustments, cropping and more.
Photoshop Lightroom: a photo processor and image organization tool.
Premiere Pro: a real-time non-linear video editing solution.
Illustrator Draw: a vector drawing application.
Lightroom Mobile: a mobile version of the desktop-based Photoshop Lightroom image editor.
Author: Christopher Smith is president of American Graphics Institute in Boston, Massachusetts.